Ignite Your Goals

SoleFire Long Table Lunch

Join us at the stunning Manly Boathouse for a relaxing afternoon of connection, good conversation, and delicious food

Us Founders Work hard…

It’s safe to say we are ‘on’ most of the time – planning, organising, strategising and doing the jobs of 5 people in 1!

And we don’t have a boss or large team to stop and celebrate our wins with… all too often, we just move right along to the next task on our to-do list.

I say – ‘Wait a second! Your contribution deserves to be acknowledged.’

So, that’s exactly what we’re gonna do!

You’re invited to join an intimate laid-back afternoon of connection and celebration with fellow women in biz who just ‘get it’!

Your seat at the table includes a deliciously crafted seasonal meal, with the option to add a lovely cocktail if you’d like.

The Details…

Sunday, 7th May 12-2pm
— (kick-on from 2-4pm)

Where: Manly Boathouse, 4 Trafalgar St, Manly, QLD

Why: Eat, drink and be merry!

Dress code: light coloured neutrals – (i.e. white or khaki/beige)
Smart casual to fancy-dress, whatever you feel good in.

Consider this a fun chance to get out of your work-from-home attire ;)

But wait, there’s more!

For those of you who want to keep the good times rolling, we’ll head over at the Boathouse Patio Bar & Patisserie after lunch from 2-4pm. 

I’ll bring along a few games and you’ll have the option to purchase desserts, wine and additional drinks at the bar.

(Note: choosing to kick-on does not affect ticket price, it’s simply more time for us to connect) 

Whether you join us for just lunch, or for both, we will welcome you with open arms and a smile – we look forward to celebrating with you.

Please purchase a ticket below to RSVP.

Long Lunch Ticket

"*" indicates required fields

Your Name:*

Meal Preference (tick all that apply):*
*Note: every effort to accommodate your preferences will be made, however the menu is seasonal and may be subject to change. (Dietary needs such as gluten-free, vego, etc, will be adhered to)
Would you like a cocktail with your meal?*
Will you be joining us for patio hangs after lunch?*

I consent to SoleFire sending me emails about events, resources and insights, designed to help me achieve my goals.

I agree*

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