Squad Founding Membership Agreement Plan

Welcome to the SoleFire Squad – your Business Support Community!

It’s time to smash some goals and do it in good company. #squadgoals

The information on this page will help you get the most out of your membership.

I want your experience with SoleFire to feel supportive, smooth-sailing and inspiring.
So if you ever have any questions or need to discuss anything, please do not hesitate to reach out to me anytime.
(There is no such thing as a silly question and open communication is always welcome).

All you need to do now is read the terms of membership below, sign the agreement, complete payment, and you’re set!



    • An epic Squad of supportive business owners in your corner
    • 5 x monthly 2hr masterminds with your Squad
    • 5 x 15 min ‘Connect Window’ before each Mastermind
    • 1 x semester kick-off (plan & party session)
    • 2 x bonus goal-setting workshops
    • 1 x bonus community-unity session (for fun, games & team building)
    • 1 x semester wrap-up & celebration session
    • 6 months of group chat support (via Slack)
    • Fortnightly coworking (via Slack)
    • Email nudges/Goal reminders from Emily to help you stay on track


Membership Terms & Conditions

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